Chemistry Calculators
Simplify your chemistry experiments and calculations with a versatile collection of tools designed for students, educators, and professionals. From calculating molarity and solution concentrations to exploring chemical reactions and stoichiometry, these calculators provide precise, easy-to-use solutions for a wide range of chemical tasks. Whether you're working in a lab, studying for exams, or conducting research, these tools help you achieve accurate results and deepen your understanding of chemistry—with more tools and features to come as the category grows.
Molarity Calculator
Calculate solution concentration
Atom Calculator
Calculate atomic structure details
Half-Life Calculator
Calculate half-life, remaining quantity, or time elapsed with ease.
Mole Calculator
Convert between moles, mass, and particles
Stoichiometry Calculator
Calculate reactant and product amounts in reactions
pH Calculator
Calculate pH, pOH, [H+], and [OH-] for solutions
Gas Law Calculator
Solve gas law problems using various gas laws
Empirical Formula Calculator
Calculate empirical formula from percent composition
Percent Yield Calculator
Calculate percent yield of chemical reactions
Normality Calculator
Calculate normality of solutions
Molality Calculator
Calculate molality of solutions